Shadow Square

An Urgent and Hybrid publication, containing a physical and digital versions which investigates our current (or future) publishing and editorial design landscape. The physical version contains highlights of the book Shadowbook by Miriam Rasch on the topic of our everyday loops. The digital part has 3 different sources from which the reader can select their own highlights and design their Shadow Square. By being able to create and print your own version, you get the impression of being free in your choices. However, you unconsciously get inside the loop of the algorithm which restricts you. When the reader prints out their first sheet, they receive an instruction on how to bind their new Shadow Square.

The everyday loop are the tasks we repeat on a daily basis when we wake up, in other words our routine. With social media nowadays we barely recognise when we get stuck inside the algorithm and the information it decides we need. Thus, we are stuck inside a filter bubble and some people are not even aware of this.

Throughout the process of designing, my design question was: “How can I show the loop of our everyday life and our behaviour in the digital platforms, which are steered by algorithms, through design?” With the help of the content and the medium of the physical publication, I would like to get the reader inside the loop and they to slowly get conscious about it. I would like to spread awareness about the loop in a playful and comfortable way, so that people can decide for themselves if they want to continue or change their way of living.

      When the first sheet is printed out, the reader gets an instruction sheet on how to bind their Shadow Square

    app design

    music editing

    book design

    installation & website

    interactive installation

    hybrid book design

    installation & website

    Coming soon...

Put me in a team and I would love to be its leader!

My name is Maraya Ivanova. I am currently a Graphic Design student at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. I am very much interested in social related topics and trying to find solutions or spreading awareness in a visual manner by having multidisciplinary approach. Recently, I have discovered my love for coding and making interactive works using different media, such as Arduino. On the other hand, I do want to develop further my passion for book design and binding by experimenting with different materials and techniques.

Collaboration with different artists and designers is important part of my work because every time it enriches me either with a new skill, or a new approach to the topics.