Listen ︎ Read ︎ Do

A hybrid publication on mental health during stressful times and how to manage it in a healthy way. It is a collaboration project between me and my colleagues, Puck Ahrens, Angela Tang and Anne-Fleur van der Harst. It is inspired by the stressful times we have during projects and studying during Corona times.

The user can Listen to the podcast, which is a reflection on how we worked as a group and managed stressful periods. At the end of each episode there is a tip on the topics of brainstorming, meditation and stress. This tip is written on the, as we called them, building blocks which are situated inside the boxes of the publication. At the end the user is able to build (Do) a shape and put it somewhere where they can read the tips every time. Last but not least, the user can Read the articles inside the boxes where it is given more information on the topics. 


    app design

    music editing

    book design

    installation & website

    interactive installation

    hybrid book design

    installation & website

    Coming soon...

Put me in a team and I would love to be its leader!

My name is Maraya Ivanova. I am currently a Graphic Design student at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. I am very much interested in social related topics and trying to find solutions or spreading awareness in a visual manner by having multidisciplinary approach. Recently, I have discovered my love for coding and making interactive works using different media, such as Arduino. On the other hand, I do want to develop further my passion for book design and binding by experimenting with different materials and techniques.

Collaboration with different artists and designers is important part of my work because every time it enriches me either with a new skill, or a new approach to the topics.